Our customers' opinions
Seller reviews
It was a good experience to sell with the office! Professional and enthusiastic team, they helped us in everything to sell our property for the maximum price!
Thank you very much!
It was very good to realize that what we discussed at the beginning was the same throughout, we knew about everything in time, the office did everything to make the whole process smooth.
I'll see you!
You were informative from the beginning, you told me what the schedule would be, and you stuck to it. What we discussed was the way it was. You kept me informed, you responded quickly to every wish and sigh. The ad was great, both in terms of pictures and text. There was no need to nag, you knew what you were doing and you did it conscientiously with my interests in mind, so I received a 100% service. Keep it up!
Zoli köszönjük szépen!
Hasonló szintű értékesítéssel sem találkoztam még Ingatlannál!
Ahogy mondtad, tényleg nem is volt semmi bonyodalom… ahogy ígérted!
Sok sikert kívánunk, biztos lesz még bőven!
Véleményem szerint nagyon jól és igényesen csinálod a munkád, ahogy ezt a hirdetéseid is mutatják.
Köszönjük szépen a segítséget, további sok sikert!
Customer reviews
We've been looking for the right one for a long time and we're really glad that you took part in it (it's a shame that it wasn't sooner...).
We have finally found our home and we can thank you for that!
We are very grateful to have found this Property! Help was quick and communication was very good. It's good to meet conscientious people, and you are them!
Thank You.
I had a fantastic experience in real estate! Their team is very helpful and professional and managed to quickly find the perfect home for me. I strongly recommend them to everyone!
Sajnálom, hogy végül nem azt az ingatlant választottuk amit Te árulsz, de nagyon bízok benne, hogy legalább egy kávéra még fogunk találkozni, mert egy nagyon jó embert ismerhettünk meg benned.
Minden kérésünkre és kérésünkre azonnal válaszoltál, nagyon segítőkész voltál, látni rajtad, hogy örömmel csinálod! Rengeteg jót kívánunk!!